How Do I Sell More As A Contractor? Tips From A Professional


Brad from Home Love Construction is here to provide some simple rules for contractors looking to make more money and sell more projects. He emphasizes that as a contractor, you are providing a vital service and should not view your profession as degraded. Instead, he stresses the importance of recognizing the value of your work and being able to command a correct price for it.


One of the most important rules in selling construction is to always agree with your client, even if they are not always right. An example of this would be a client wanting custom cabinets in their kitchen but only having a 40K budget. Instead of disagreeing with them, Brad suggests agreeing with them and then bringing up the cost of custom cabinets, allowing the client to make an informed decision. By agreeing with the client and being on the same team, you are more likely to be able to help them get what they want within their budget.


Another important point Brad makes is that selling is not about forcing something on someone in exchange for money, but instead about helping them get something they want. This mindset shift can be valuable in creating positive relationships with clients and ultimately closing more sales. He also suggests that 20% margins aren’t enough to survive and thrive in construction and that a more realistic margin would be 40%.


Brad also emphasizes that selling construction is not always about the client being right. He points out that there are many little things that separate a professional from an amateur in the field, and that you should be confident in your abilities and the value you bring to the table. He also encourages contractors to drop the idea of 20% margins and to aim for 40% margins in order to survive and thrive in the industry.


In summary, Brad’s advice for contractors looking to make more money and sell more projects is to recognize the value of your work, always agree with your clients, and to think of selling as helping clients get what they want rather than forcing something on them. He also suggests aiming for a 40% margin instead of the commonly accepted 20% margin to ensure a sustainable income. By following these rules, contractors can build stronger relationships with clients, close more sales, and ultimately, have a more successful business.

