How Long Does A Building Permit Take?


The planning and permitting process in Florida can be a lengthy process, taking up a substantial chunk of time, even longer than the actual construction process. Three phases are involved, which include the plans production phase, plans review changes and preparation for permitting phase, and permitting phase. During the first phase, an architect draws up the plans, finalizing the design, and moving to the construction documents phase, where product approval numbers are pulled. During the planning and permitting phase, the scope is reviewed to ensure survey and setback measures are in place. After all documents are prepared, they are submitted to the permitting department of your local municipality.


The permitting phase is where most homeowners become concerned about their contractor running away with their money. In most cases, this is not the scenario as contractors are waiting for the permit to come back from the municipality. This phase usually takes between eight and sixteen weeks to complete. However, if there are lots of changes in between, this time frame can be more extended. In some cases, such as with the narrator’s experience, a permit sat for nine months and three weeks in a permitting department waiting for approval. It’s essential to note that the contractor has no control over the municipality’s actions, so the blame cannot be shifted to them.


During this phase, it’s vital to make sure you give your contractor all the necessary information as soon as possible to speed up the process. Home Love Construction has a unique model of the third-party review process for time-sensitive projects. This process is where a third party does the plans review instead of the county. It takes, on average, between three to five days for the plans review, which is the lengthiest part of the permitting process. This process reduces the permitting timeline by two months, and the additional cost is between two to four thousand dollars.


When you sign a contract, you will go through the plans production phase, where an architect comes up with the plan for your project. The next phase involves planning and collecting all the necessary documents for permitting, and finally, the permitting phase, which is entirely out of the contractor’s control. It’s vital to be patient with the contractor during the permitting phase as this is usually where things get stuck. Most contractors cannot control how long a municipality takes to approve a permit.


For further information on permitting and how to get through it faster, you can shoot an email to Home Love Construction. In conclusion, homeowners planning construction projects in Florida should expect that the planning and permitting phase will take a considerable chunk of time, sometimes longer than the actual construction phase. It’s crucial to have all the necessary information for your contractor during this phase and to be patient with them. Home Love Construction offers a unique model, which is the third-party review process, where a third party reviews your plans instead of the county, reducing the permitting timeline by two months.
