How Much Does It Cost To Add A Bathroom To My Home?


Adding a bathroom to your home can increase the value of your property and provide more functionality to your living space. There are two ways to add a bathroom: by using existing interior space or by expanding the footprint of the home. If you are using existing interior space, such as a large living space or closet, the cost will typically be between $20,000 to $30,000. This cost includes adding a three-piece bathroom (vanity, toilet, and tub or shower) and the work required, such as cutting out concrete, putting pipes underground, tying in plumbing, and building new walls. Additionally, it is recommended to spend $3,000 to $5,000 for professional plans and architectural design.


On the other hand, if you are expanding the footprint of the home to add a bathroom, the cost can be much higher. This option is typically used when adding a bathroom to a master bedroom that doesn’t have one. The cost of a three-piece bathroom can be between $50,000 to $80,000 depending on the finishes, plumbing fixtures, and other factors. The size of the bathroom can range from 100 to 150 square feet and the cost is mainly determined by the type of roof, tile, plumbing fixtures, and cabinets used.


Regardless of which option you choose, it is important to have a professional architectural designer to help plan the project. Home Love Construction is a design-build firm that can assist with planning and executing the project. It is important to consider the cost and value of the project when making a decision on whether to add a bathroom. While adding a bathroom can be a positive return on investment, the exact cost will depend on the specific needs and wants of the homeowner.
