How To Reduce The Cost Of A Bathroom Remodel


Bathroom remodels can be expensive, but there are ways to reduce the cost. The biggest driver of cost in bathroom remodels is moving the plumbing, which can increase the cost of the project significantly. When you move plumbing, you also affect other things such as walls and concrete floors, which can lead to unintended consequences and additional expenses. To reduce the cost of your bathroom remodel, it’s important to find a way to rearrange the bathroom without moving too much plumbing.


A great idea to reduce the cost of a bathroom remodel is to rotate the toilet by 90 degrees. By adding an offset flange to the toilet’s flange, you can shift the toilet three inches and rebuild the water closet around it. This can change the flow and arrangement of the bathroom without moving all of the plumbing, reducing the cost of the project.


If you want to reduce the cost of your bathroom remodel, it’s important to find a way to do it without moving every piece of plumbing or minimal pieces of plumbing. Home Love Construction is a design-build firm that specializes in designing bathrooms. The company has a strong design team that can help you with your bathroom renovation. You can visit to work with the professional design team and see examples of their work.


In conclusion, moving plumbing is the biggest driver of cost in bathroom remodels, and finding a way to rearrange the bathroom without moving too much plumbing can help reduce the cost of the project. Rotating the toilet by 90 degrees is a great idea that can change the flow and arrangement of the bathroom without moving all of the plumbing. If you need professional guidance with your bathroom renovation, visit to work with the professional design team at Home Love Construction.


