What is the Minimum Wage in Florida?


Home Love Construction is a construction company in the state of Florida that provides a wide range of services related to home construction and design. In this video, Brad, the owner of Home Love Construction, answers a question that a lot of people ask when they move into the state of Florida. The question is, “What is the minimum wage in Florida?”


Brad explains that in April 2022, the minimum wage in Florida is $10 and will be going up to $11 this year and will continue to increase by $1 every year until 2026. The impact of this increase in minimum wage will be significant, especially in the construction industry and other industries where there is a shortage of labor.


Brad mentions that the state of Florida, especially the Tampa Bay area where Home Love Construction is located, is seeing more people move in than there are new homes coming online. This leads to a rise in demand for homes, and therefore, prices are expected to continue to rise. As a result, people who have moved from up north and have sold their house for more money are looking to do renovations, additions, or build a new home entirely. This increase in demand for construction projects will also lead to an increase in demand for labor.


Brad highlights that the construction industry offers a career with a good income potential. For example, people working in the company earn a six-figure income, and there is a huge opportunity for those who are productive and have a good track record. Brad says that this is the right time to get involved in the construction industry in the Tampa Bay area, as the prices will continue to go up and there will be money to be made.


Brad also mentions that if someone is looking to do a construction project in the state of Florida, this is the cheapest time they will ever have to do it. Once people’s wages go up, the prices will not go down again, and it is the nature of how economies move and grow. Brad stresses that it is important to take advantage of this opportunity and get the construction project done now, as the prices will not be going down anytime soon.


For those who need help with the design of their home, Home Love Construction offers both in-person and virtual design services. Brad explains that even if you are out of their service area in the Tampa Bay area, they can still help you with the design of your home. The virtual design services include a 3D rendering of what the home will look like, and it is a beautiful and amazing experience.


Brad invites everyone to visit Home Love Construction’s website at homelove.construction/design to learn more about their services and to get started with their construction project. He thanks the audience for watching the video and promises to see them in the next video.


In conclusion, Home Love Construction is a reliable and experienced construction company in the state of Florida that offers a wide range of services related to home construction and design. Brad’s video provides a comprehensive overview of the minimum wage in Florida and the impact it will have on the construction industry. He also highlights the opportunity to get involved in the construction industry and the benefits of working with Home Love Construction for your construction project.
