Where Do I Put A Room Addition?


Room additions are a great way to add extra living space to your home, but it’s important to consider the logistics of adding a room. The ideal location to add a room addition is where a hallway dead-ends into an exterior wall and there are bedrooms on either side. This allows you to extend the hallway into a new master suite, living space, or add bedrooms on the side and end.


However, if all the bedrooms are on the exterior of your home, and there are no hallways that lead into them, you may have to sacrifice a piece of a bedroom or the entire bedroom itself in order to make the design work. For example, in one room addition, a bedroom was completely removed to add a master suite with a sitting area.


Bathrooms are also a factor to consider when adding a room. Ideally, you should add an extra bathroom. This is because many homes in Florida have three or four bedrooms with only one or two bathrooms, which is not enough for many families. When adding a bathroom, the toilet line and drain line have to be tied into another toilet line or drain, so it’s important to lay out the bathroom in a way that makes sense and can tie these lines together without having to cut a trench from one end of the house to the other.


Finally, it’s important to consider the location of the room addition. Commonly, people want to add to the front or street-facing side of their house, but this is not usually feasible because the house is often built as close to the street as possible. If you’re on a big piece of land, it may be allowed, but most of the time adding to the street is not possible.


In conclusion, room additions can be a great way to add extra living space to your home, but it’s important to consider the logistics of adding a room. Consider the location of the room, access, the impact on existing bedrooms and bathrooms, and the feasibility of adding towards the street. With careful planning, you can add the extra space you need to your home without sacrificing function and style.
