How Do I Remove A Red Tag?


Removing a red tag from a property can seem like a daunting task, but it is actually a simple process. A red tag, also known as a stop work order, is issued by the county or municipality when there are violations of building codes on a property. To remove a red tag, a property owner needs to hire a General Contractor. The General Contractor then needs to send a scope of work and written plan to the county or municipality, addressing each point of the violation.


The General Contractor must agree to complete the necessary repairs in writing and then the county or municipality will lift the red tag and issue a permit for the repairs. The General Contractor will then need to schedule the required inspections to ensure that the work meets the standards set by the original permit. This process may require undoing previous work and redoing it, but ultimately it is a straightforward process.


Home Love Construction is a company that offers red tag remediation services in the Tampa Bay area and throughout Florida. They have a professional permitting team that specializes in obtaining permits and addressing red tags. With over 50 municipalities in Florida already in their portfolio, they are more than capable of handling red tag remediation for a new municipality. If a property owner is having trouble with a red tag, they can send an email to and the Home Love Construction team will be happy to help.


The process of removing a red tag is simple, with the General Contractor addressing the violations with the county, scheduling inspections, and completing the necessary repairs. Once all the work is done to the satisfaction of the county or municipality, the red tag will be lifted, and the property will no longer be in violation. This allows the property owner to sell the property without any title issues.


Home Love Construction offers professional red tag remediation services, ensuring that the process of removing a red tag is completed quickly and efficiently. They have a team of experts who are familiar with the permitting process in Florida and know how to address red tags. If a property owner needs help with a red tag, they can send an email to and the Home Love Construction team will be happy to provide assistance.


In conclusion, removing a red tag from a property is a straightforward process that requires the assistance of a General Contractor. The General Contractor must address the violations, schedule inspections, and complete the necessary repairs. Home Love Construction is a company that offers red tag remediation services in Florida and is more than capable of helping property owners remove red tags from their properties. If a property owner needs help with a red tag, they can send an email to and the Home Love Construction team will be happy to assist.


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